I’m Baaaack

Didja miss me?!?!?

So yes, in case you were completely unaware I was in Ireland for the past week. I was on vacation with my sister, mother, and my mother’s friend. It was an interesting trip to say the least.

Driving on the left was fun and entertaining, although not quite as much as the road speed limits, 80 km/hr was the speed limit on many roads, some of which had tons of blind corners and are barely wide enough for 1 car let alone 2 cars going in opposite directions!!

We were up in the middle of nowhere at the Renvyle House Hotel, we stayed in one of the Time Share Condo units, I liked it and I am sure it would normally be a wonderful place in the months of May through Early September, however in March it is pretty nasty up there.

We had some crappy weather, rain, overcast, wind, cold, as well as some great weather which was sunny, cool, and only slightly windy. I definitely want to go back during warmer months and do more exploring, we barely covered our little corner in the mid west coast of Ireland let alone the rest of the island nation.

I think 3 or 4 weeks with a mountain bike and good weather would be an awesome trip.

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