Posts Tagged Photo365

Photo 365 – 2/3/2010


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

I came across a site that described this, and showed pictured, so I decided to try it myself. This was my end product.

The bottom was a bit overdone, but that I attribute to my oven still not working, so I had to utilize my grill as an oven.

Chicken wrapped in bacon, stuffed with garlic, asiago, parmesan, some salt and pepper.

Pepperoni tail and side fins, with a sharp cheddar horn.

It was delicious once the bottom was ignored.


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Photo 365 – 2/2/2010


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

This is a PLC “in action”, this is what one looks like when mounted and wired up.

This is one of 16 are in this one panel that is designed and built to run the conveyor belts in a celery plant. From washing to drying to packing and the whole 9 yards.


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Photo 365 – 2/1/2010

Giant Ice Block


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

I feel like this should be part of an stupid commercial for vodka, “We were there”

This is a giant ice cube I have at my house, the blue rubbermaid container was failed to be emptied during the last melting of snow, and it froze.

I flipped it upside down for a day so that the outside edge would melt, and then I just slid the container right off.

The coke can was put there for perspective on size.


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Photo 365 – 1/31/2010

Ugh, Screenshot


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

I know this probably doesn’t count since it is not a photo, but man, this was what my day was like and trying to get an Exchange to Google email migration accomplished.

Some really annoying quirks that just weren’t documented anywhere and took some trial and error to fix.

I really wish error messages weren’t so vague.


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Photo 365 – 1/28/2010



Originally uploaded by Nedster78

This was dinner, I cooked a really thick sirloin steak the other night, wasn’t quite a roast, but wasn’t really a steak either, so I am eating leftovers from it.

Really thinnly sliced steak, medium rare, with a little asiago cheese, a hint of fresh ground sea salt and purple onion. The bread is from a loaf of four cheese bread I picked up at Whole Foods the other day and then sliced at home.


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Photo 365 – 1/27/2010

Peanut Butter Cookies


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

The grocery store near me has some of the best peanut butter with reese’s pieces in em.

I am tortured every time I have to talk past them, fortunately I don’t get them very often.

Their deliciousness is only enhanced when mixed with vanilla ice cream.


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Photo 365 – 1/26/2010



Originally uploaded by Nedster78

The truck rolled it… rolled the 200K mile mark….

I wish I could say I had seen them all, but I haven’t. I bought the truck with about 184K miles on it, so it’s been 16K in a little over a year and a half… which now that I think about it, seems like an awful lot for something that is my second vehicle… gotta find out how much the roommate is actually using it!


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Photo 365 – 1/24/2010

Sketchy House


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

This house… looked nice in the photos online, and sounded nice… but then when you actually take a look at it… MAJOR FAIL and explains why it was listed at such a good price…

oh, and it’s also across the street from a saw mill, the oldest continuously active saw mill in the US even, according to the plaque out in front of it anyway.


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Photo 365 – 1/23/2010


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

Lead up to when the truck would turn 200,000 miles.


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Photo 365 – 1/20/2010


Originally uploaded by Nedster78

Seriously? How many pairs of shoes do you need to keep by the front door?

These all belong to one roommate!

2 pairs of boots
1 pair of birkenstocks
1 pair of sneakers
1 pair of snowboard boots, and even the snowboard itself

although that is my old crockpot in the back… but it is on it’s way out!


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