So yes, I am back here in California now…
and someone or something is looking out for me, 2 weeks ago when I was here Avis screwed up a bit when they were out in the garage putting the name tags in the cars, so when I went out to get my car I came across a beautiful site…. a 2006 Mustang Convertible, I was psyched and very happy for this upgrade….. so I get in and head to the exit… I get there and find out that it was not my car, they had put the tag in the wrong vehicle, I was supposed to be in a Ford Taurus. OOOOOO FUN! NOT.
So I spent a week in that Taurus and dealt with it…
Well… today I was repaid… I legitimately got a 2006 Red Convertible Mustang.
It is fantabulous!
That deep throaty sound as you rev the engine or accelerate down the highway…. yeah… I like that!
However, I do have a few complaints…
1- Trunk space just is not there, you can fit 2, maybe 3 bodies in it, unless they are Calista Flockheart, then we could probably squeeze in 6 or 7.
2- Peripheral Vision…. really small rear window… not that great…. but with the top down it is no problem… take the good with the bad…
3- The speedometer… it only goes to 120mph, what the hell? My Jetta goes to 140!
and the last one… which anyone who knows me will probably agree that this is a crime against humanity…
4- It is an automatic…. yes, a high performance traditional US made Muscle Car has an automatic transmission in it. I think the crime against humanity is the fact that they even make these things with an automatic transmission in them! I know a lot of people say, “Why does it matter?” or “Who cares?”, and to these people, 99% of them have 1 of 2 things in common, they either can’t drive a stick, or they have never driven one for any extended period of time! I shall never go back to an auto again unless I am put under the threat of death!
ANY high performance sports car or muscle car should be a manual transmission… Porsche… Ferrari… Corvette… Camaro…. Mustang… jaguar… ALL of them should only be made in manual transmissions…
but I will enjoy this car none the less, but it could have been better….
I may need to go cruise for chicks just because I can!