The New Year

And so the New Year begins…. and the previous one certainly went out in an interesting fashion!!

So this new year begins a new phase, plans, changes, new ideas and new goals.

A possible return to the old standby who has always been there for me, or pherhaps a new adventure into the world which I went to school for. We will know soon enough.

The driving is great, and the couriering was awesome money, but it is not an easy life and I think my butt is beginning to not like me very much for all the sitting.

I shall be getting in shape, I have spent too long ignoring my own personal health and will be going back to a regular system of working out, eating much better, and definitely cutting the Soda out of my diet, I started this before the new year though and am almost tolerant of Diet Coke at the moment, but more sparkling water is in my future to say the least!

To friends, to family, to everyone, it will be a great year, onward, upward, let’s see where we end up!!

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