Archive for category Annoucements

Time, Changes, Life Is What It Is…

So, it’s been awhile… Over 5 years since I typed anything here, which is crazy to me because I didn’t think it had been that long, but apparently it has been.

So what has changed? Well a lot really…

I have had 2 different jobs in this time period. One of them was only for a little over a year and it involved more traveling than I would have thought was humanly possible, and the other is way more stationary and in the same office, in the same building, in the same town, with the same commute every single day. Although I did go on two work trips to New Jersey related to a company we purchased, but those were only 2 days each and it was New Jersey so take it for what it is.

I still technically live in the same condo I bought in 2013, but that will change shortly because we just bought a new house and will move in when we have finished some renovations on it.

Notice I said we not I? Yeah, I am no longer just an I, I am now a we since I got married in 2020 to the most wonderful woman who I met about 6 months after my last post here… SO that may be one reason why I have not posted here, just been occupied with that. We went on a couple awesome vacations pre-pandemic, one of which was where the proposal happened and the other was just a relaxing trip together a few months later to sort of celebrate the engagement.

Additionally, the we shall become 3 in a couple months too.

See, lots and lots of changes are a happening… Maybe I will update this a bit more often with those sorts of things.

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Road Trip Day Three

So, this was the first REAL day of my road trip, the first two  were the weekend before and their goal was just to get me to Indianapolis where I would spend 3 days working, and then kick off the real road trip from almost halfway across the country for the stuff I actually care about seeing more than just “wasting” my time driving past stuff instead of experiencing it.

So, my day started off early, I got packed up and out on the road. Most of this day was also just busy travel, I headed out from Indy on the main highway to hit up Chicago to see Kelly for lunch. Traffic was pretty smooth for the most part right up until I got on Rt. 90 to go into Chicago to meet her at her work, such is life.

I went to college with Kelly and she is from MA originally but moved out to Chicago a few years ago, so I don’t see her as much as I used to, so I take the opportunity when it presents itself. I met her at work and we went for lunch at a burger place she recently found and it was pretty awesome. I had a bacon wrapped burger that was also  served with 4 strips of bacon on top of it with the lettuce, tomato and onion, ON A PRETZEL BUN. AWESOME. I do love me giant soft pretzels!

So I left her back to work and headed out on my way. I shouldn’t have set the GPS to avoid highways yet on my trip, because of that setting, it took me the worst possible way out of Chicago I think, anyway, it took me over 2 hours to go 19 miles before I was out of traffic. Thankfully my bike isn’t air cooled otherwise I probably would have over heated. I definitely saw some sketchy parts of Chicago on the way.

I then cruised through the Illinois countryside and into the Iowa countryside, crossed the Missisippi River and got to Cedar Rapids that night, where I stayed with a nice woman, her husband and their son via I stayed on an air mattress in their computer room because they had another couchsurfer who was staying in their guest room. They were super nice and I was unfortunately super tired so I wasn’t super sociable with them as I normally would have been, but I spent some time in the morning talking and chatting about things prior to leaving. I really like the site, just wish most people were a little less flaky and it worked better for super short notice, but oh well.

This is about the route that I took to get from start to finish, just for personal privacy I didn’t put the exact addresses of where I stayed, but you can click on the picture to bring you to an interactive map at Google Maps.

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All Uploaded

So they are all there, all the video from my Europe trip has been uploaded to the video sub-blog, a lot of them are kind of boring, but they are what they are, a view of some of the things I saw while riding around.

This is not yet totally complete, I am going to go back through them and adjust the dates and times of the posts the best I can to put them in some semblance of order so you know what I saw first, or saw last, and hopefully it will make some sense, although probably just to me.


**update, all the dates have been updated to pretty much when they happened, the camera’s date and time was off, but it was consistently off, so I think I got em all right now.**


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So I Am Adding Video…

So I am adding video to my site, I have create a sub-blog just for video and it’s own theme and everything, it can be found here:

Yes, I know I can easily put these up on YouTube, and I may do that at some point, but there is something about hosting it myself and not needing to worry about someone making a claim to YouTube about copyright violations because there is music in the background that belongs to them or something else dumb like that. I actually had a video taken down from YouTube that I recorded at a Red Sox game because Blurred Lines was playing in the background of the video where I was recording other fans dancing around to the song.

While I am all for protecting copyrights and such, there’s definitely a point where things just go too too far, and don;t even get me started on the whole Super Bowl name thing and the NFL’s anal retentiveness with that.

So here is a link to the first video I have up and running, it is just a quick one of part of the train ride from my hotel outside of Munich into the city on the first day I was there prior to picking up the bike which happened the next day.


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Oooo… Exciting…

So, I decided to jump on the new TLD domain name craze that’s happening right now and buy a new domain for my blog here… I have put in the order and I am in the process of setting up the new domain now, it is fun and I think it is very “me” in a way, but I am not going to share it quite yet… I want to spend some time setting it up and getting it running just right before I share the new URL…

but the question remains, should I move all my posts from here to there and then set this up as a redirect? or should I just start out fresh and new over there and keep this one sitting here? I will keep owning this domain name regardless since I use a few of the emails for things but these are some tough choices to make as things move forward… what to do… what to do…

Any suggestions?!?

Although, as a side bonus, the site name is short enough that I will be installing my own URL shortner, cuz yeah, I am gonna be all kinds of cool like that!

oh, wait, what’s that?!? Look up in your URL bar… you should see the new URL up there now… neat right?!?!?

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Wooties, that is what I use to refer to the T-Shirts I buy from, sometimes I know what they are going to be, other times I haven’t the slightest clue what is going to end up on my doorstep wrapped in plastic and dropped off by the mailman.

So I am going to post a little bit about each shirt that I have, an image from Woot itself of the design, and then the text of how they originally described it.

I am also tagging them all as one of the following:

RandomFail: These are shirts I bought without knowing the shirt I was getting, and when I got it I was really underwhelmed and probably got rid of it or don’t wear it often or at all.

RandomMeh: These are shirts I bought without knowing the shirt I was getting, and I am mostly ambivalent about them, I don’t dislike then, but I don’t overtly like them either.

RandomWin: These are shirts I bought without knowing the shirt I was getting, and I like them a lot and think they are pretty awesome for shirts.

BoughtIt: These are shirts that I actually knew exactly what I was getting when I bought it.

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So i need to use this more

So yeah, i know i said i was going to post more, and i will. I have decided to post at least once a week from now on.

Minor stuff, dumb stuff, whatever stuff.

More soon from my recent trips for work, and more coming up for both work trips as well as a nice road trip vacation down through North Carolina, Delware, Maryland Virginia and Pennsylvania! but not all in that order.

Another fun thing, i bought a new domain name and plan on building a tech blog related to my work and the Epicor product, both as a resource and as a way to market myself as a brand. Hope it turns out well, my plan is to unveil it sometime in mid-september…

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So neat!!!

I have an ipad!!

So neat!!!


Who ever thought Ned Cleary would actually have an ipad or any apple product even??!?!

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The Death of Edward(Ned) Cleary


The death took place recently of Edward (Ned) Cleary on July 2, 2010.Not for Photosales

He died peacefully at his home in Derrygore Terrace, Enniskillen.

Born on January 17, 1932 in Mill Street, he was the fourth child of six born to Christopher and Margaret Cleary.

He was educated in the Convent and Christian Brothers’ schools until the age of 14.

He started his working career as a porter with the GNR and consequently has various jobs including the construction of the Erne Hospital, the Forestry, dredging in Lough Erne (where he discovered an artefact, now on display in Enniskillen Castle Museum), and finally 20 years in Unipork where he retired early due to ill health.

He made life long friends in all aspects of his life.

He shared an interest in music with his sister Barbara, who bought him many of his large record collection.

He had a keen interest in sport, particularly football. He would train with his brother Francy and friends in Mill Street, running up to six miles a night. In 1953 he joined Enniskillen Rangers with Francy where they went on to win several trophies.

He was also a fine darts player, winning many turkeys for Christmas dinner.

In 1958 he married Agnes Steele, also from Mill Street. They had five children, Mary, Christopher, twins Eamonn and Michael and Joseph.

He loved art and was an excellent painter, most of his work being of his native Enniskillen. He was a member of the Erne Art Group at Westbridge House where he enjoyed the company of his friends.

He also enjoyed reading, using that knowledge in his love of quizzes.

He was a most sociable man and loved meeting people. He liked nothing more than conversing or sharing stories with family or friends, never happier than in his garden on a fine summer’s day.

He was a lifelong Manchester United fan and made several trips to Old Trafford with family members.

Ned’s Funeral Mass took place in St. Michael’s, Enniskillen on July 4. It was celebrated by Mgr. J. McGuinness. The beautiful music and singing was by Helen Hamill. Ned’s sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, nieces and nephews contributed to the Liturgy of the Mass. Ned had a very strong faith that helped him through the bad times during his illness. He would have appreciated the beautiful Mass,

The funeral arrangements were carried out by John McKeegan, funeral director, Enniskillen.

Ned is survived by his beloved wife Agnes, children Mary, Christopher, Eamonn, Michael and Joseph, daughters-in-law Lyn and Michelle, son-in-law Gordon, brother Francy (Carlow), sister Barbara (Manchester), sisters-in-law Dolores, Anne, Teresa and Evelyn, brothers-in-law Bob, Ken and Charlie, six grandchildren, one great-grandchild, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his brothers Jimmy, Gerry and Greggy.

Ned was regarded as a wonderful man who will be missed by all his family and friends.

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Old Stuff…

So I am in the process of cleaning out my MySpace account to shut it down, and realized I had almost 200 blog entries over there… YIKES… so I am sorting through those in order to see what I want to migrate over to hear…

One thing that is really annoying though, no way to export a MySpace blog…


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