Day 4… Short Summery

Short summery because I am tired and heading to bed.

We started the day tied with Lee’s Lefties, if we both won or both lost our first games today then we were going to have a playoff game which picked up right where our last game left off with the tie, then this would determine who would go to the championship game.

We won our first game against Valintin’s Vikings.

There was no playoff though, Lee’s team lost their game so that put us into the 2009 Red Sox Fantasy Camp Championship game against Gedman’s Bombers.

We played then starting at 3:30 over at the big field at City of Palms Park, unfortunately we lost in a 2-1 game.

We didn;t hit and when we did it went right too them, we gave them too many free runners with walks and hit batters, and it cost us the game.

The loss was disappointing, but the fact that we played so well overall was great and I don’t think I really could have had any more fun or any better of a time this past week.

Tomorrow we play the pros, and I will consider it a success if I can foul one off…

We took Monty out to dinner tonight as a team, and the stories and such were great. I will get to this more soon, same with the pictures, more of those soon!

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